Category: Uncategorized
Repousse Work for Amateurs
Being the Art of Ornamenting Thin Metal with Raised FIgures. By L. L. Haslope London L. Upcott Gill, 170 Strand, WC 1887
The Four Books of Architecture
The works of the famous Andrea Palladio, published by himself at Venice in the year 1570 have been universally esteemed the best standard of architecture hitherto extant. The original work written in Italian being very scarce, several have attempted to translate the same into English, and to copy his excellent and most accurate wooden prints…
1850 – 1950 Barrel Proof Marks The proof marks shown below will assist in determining nationality of manufacturers when no other markings are evident. Since the U.S. has no proofing houses (as in England, France, Germany and other European countries), most U.S. manufacturers voluntarily proof their firearms with a specifed style of proofmark (i.e. the…